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Research & Development

Research is key in decisions related to resource management. Our experienced team of researchers support institutions to find the best solutions for their processes and waste through evidence-based decision concepts. Together, we develop tailor-made solutions and pilot systems based on research findings, engineering and various technologies to meet needs in:

  • Material and resource regeneration needs
  • Waste management pathways
  • waste valorization concepts

Training & Consulting

We believe in continuous learning and development in terms of sustainable development and circular economy as the universe evolves. To that, we offer workshops and training in waste management and environmental sustainability concepts for startups, SMEs, companies and businesses for growth in resource use and operations, efficient production and sustainable consumption towards a circular economy. Specifically, in

  • Energy audits
  • Efficient production and resource use.
  • Energy Management
  • Carbon footprint counting/GHG accounting
  • Sustainability assessment and reporting

Material Collection

Waste is a valuable resource, hence, we work presently with aggregators in various communities to collect materials, especially plastics before entering the waste stream.

We recover plastics (PET, HDPE, LDPE) and metal scraps for further processing and recycling by our partners. Other material types are also collected as per demand. We aim at reducing the quantities of recyclable materials ending up in landfills through our service contribution. With your impact and our impacts, together we can create value from waste such as plastics, metal scraps and paper.