Empowering for sustainability through knowledge, technology and community development

sustainable resource management towards a circular economy in the
areas of waste management and renewable energy


Utilizing our expertise and knowledge, we provide integrated eco solutions
connecting nature and communities towards a sustainable future.

Welcome to ECORESS

Eco and Resources for Sustainability Concept

We are a Ghanaian Startup with a vision of providing integrated eco-friendly solutions for resource management towards a sustainable future. We deliver services in material resource recovery from waste education, research, training on sustainability concepts and consultancy services.

Utilizing our expertise and knowledge, we provide integrated eco solutions connecting nature and communities towards a sustainable future.

Our Services

Research and Development 

Our experienced team of researchers supports institutions to find the best solutions for their processes and waste through evidence-based decision concepts.

Training and Consulting

We offer workshops and training in waste management and environmental sustainability concepts for startups, SMEs, companies, etc.

Material collection

Waste is a valuable resource, hence, we work presently with aggregators in various communities to collect materials, etc.

From a humble beginning in 2020, we started as a community outreach program where we organize clean-up exercises and train small working groups on livelihood programs on plastic waste gathering for sale toward community development.

Fast forward, with a commitment to improving, we have broadened our horizon through collaboration and partnership for impact.